
Your resume objective is often the most important part of your entire job searching process. Each employer gets tens - if not hundreds - of applications for each job and as such don't have time to read each application in full. Your resume objective is your chance to open doors and have employers take notice of your application above the competition. Think of your resume objective as an introduction to who you are, which job you require and what experience you bring to the position. You need to make your resume objective as eye catching as possible whilst fitting as much information about you and what you can bring to the company into just a couple of lines.
excellent objective
When writing your resume objective make sure you keep it short and to the point. You should never exceed one or two sentences or if you prefer to use bullet points, no more than three. Don't be vague with your objective; let the employer know EXACTLY who you are and what you can bring to the job. Every job you apply for should have a completely different resume objective made specifically for that job. The main points you need to include in your resume objective are:
  • What position you are applying for.
  • What experience and skills you bring to the job.
  • What your career goals and your goals for the job are.
You should also remember that on very rare occasions, a resume objective can be a hindrance rather than a help. When you are applying for a very general job or for any one of a number of jobs, your instinct is to make your resume objective very general to cover all possibilities. This actually has the opposite effect than you desired and makes it look like you have put no effort into producing a specific objective for that particular company. An objective which is filled with general statements looks like it has just been copy and pasted with no effort leaving employers thinking you have no interest in their company. On these rare occassions, it is best to include all your positives in your cover letter and leave out an objective.

Resume Objective Examples

Sentence Structure Objectives:
Web Designer with over 5 years experience in Photoshop, Flash, XHTML/CSS, PHP, MYSQL and JavaScript looking to improve company's porfolio.
Looking for managers position. Would use experience in staff recruitment, staff rotas and leadership skills to improve customer and staff satisfaction.
Bullet Point Objectives:
  • Web Designer with 5+ years experience.
  • Skilled in Photoshop, Flash, XHTML/CSS, PHP, MYSQL and JavaScript
  • Looking to improve upon company's portfolio.
  • Managers position in 'abc' department.
  • Experience includes staff recruitment, staff rotas and leadership skills.
  • Would like to improve both staff and customer satisfaction.
Feel free to use the above resume objective examples as templates for your own resume objective but always make sure your objective is unique to the job you are applying for. Also, as with all aspects of your application, have some friends and family look it over before you submit it. An extra pair of eyes is always useful to pick up on mistakes you may have made.